SUCU Branch News 29 Jan 2015

Update following Branch Meeting on Wednesday

Members turned out in good numbers yesterday despite the terrible weather and heard:
  • A briefing following the UCU consultative ballot on USS.  Representatives from this Branch also attended a special USS meeting for UCU Branches in Manchester yesterday.  A full update on USS will be circulated in Branch News next week.
  • The need for continued local strength in negotiations was re-emphasised, as members heard from Branch Officers about University management’s plans to link your incremental pay progression with performance. This represents a threat to the ‘Framework Agreement’ underpinning our current pay structure.  Negotiations are ongoing but the campus unions may be reaching a point of deadlock on this issue and we will of course keep you informed. Read more in this joint union paper – Performance Related Pay. A Flawed Vision
  • Brandon Wilshaw from Sheffield College spoke of the attacks his members are facing to their terms and conditions and threats of redundancy.  Industrial action starts today with an all out strike at Sheffield College.  Send messages of support and solidarity to

Letter to Times Higher 

Members are encouraged to read this letter to THE from HEC members opposed to any retreat from defending members’ pensions.

A reminder about union subscription payments

Could colleagues please check that you are paying the correct UCU sub.  If you have received a pay increment – this may have taken you over the boundary to a higher UCU subs rate.

National Voter Registration Day Thursday 5th February. -Volunteers Required!

Sheffield Peoples Assembly and Sheffield TUC are holding stalls at both universities and in the City Centre to get people to register to vote. Can you help?
The government’s move to individual voter registration (as opposed to household) has meant that millions of students, young people and working class voters are not registered – and 44% of those not registered DON’T KNOW!
Please contact Sheffield Peoples Assembly if you can help on one of our stalls

Improved offer accepted at Lambeth College

UCU members at Lambeth College returned to work last week after accepting an improved offer from the college. Read more

Sheffield TUC “Celebrating Sheffield’s Diversity” Black Workers event Saturday 28th February  1pm – 3.30pm

Linking Sheffield’s Black Asian and Ethnic Minorities with the trade union movement. The event is FREE, food is provided courtesy of Sheffield Trade Union Council and the event is open to ALL – Asian, Black, ethnic minorities and white – to celebrate Sheffield’s rich cultural diversity. Entertainment and speeches, award presentations etc.
Guest speakers including Mohammed Taj recently TUC President and  currently UNITE executive council  member.
N.B. this event was previously scheduled for 24th January. It is the first of a series events to be hosted by Sheffield TUC to engage the Black Asian and ethnic minority populations in Sheffield with the work of the trade union movement
Venue: Pakistani Muslim Centre, Darnall.