Casual and hourly-paid work

This page covers issues relating to part-time contracts for demonstrators, instructors, tutors, teachers and lecturers.
Issues around hourly paid and casual workers are complex and fast moving, so we cannot guarantee that the information on this page is completely up to date. If you have specific questions please contact
See also our separate page for Post Graduate Students.
UCU’s aim is reduce the use of part-time hourly paid contracts in the University, and for all regular part-time staff to be employed on permanent fractional contracts on pro-rata pay and terms and conditions.
- UCU has negotiated an agreement with the University regarding regularisation of casual and hourly-paid workers (May 2008), to enable the transfer of part-time staff onto pro-rata contracts – demonstrators, instructors, tutors, teachers and lecturers. Framework for the Regularisation of Atypical Workers (May 2008)
- Everyone who teaches on a regular basis, even for only an hour or two each week, should have a contract of employment which includes a statement of employment particulars showing entitlement to incremental progression, USS pension, negotiated sick leave, grade, pay, redundancy and holiday entitlement
Should I have an employment contract?
Use this employment status check list. If you are a Bank Worker teaching for the University of Sheffield and have taught both semesters each year this will help you find out whether or not you should have employee status. Use this template letter to request regularisation
More FAQs
- MSzollosy vs University of Sheffield 2014
- BK Carl vs University of Sheffield 29-9-2007
- UCU anti-casualisation committee
- UCU hourly paid survival guide (.pdf) [2.6Mb]
- National Stamp Out Casual Contracts Campaign
- Calculation of hourly rates of pay for academic and related staff in HE institutions
- Hourly-paid staff leaflet (.pdf) [121kb]
- Template letter to request regularisation