SUCU Branch News 4 June 2015
SUCU AGM next Wednesday 10 June 1pm
Rotherham Advertiser Victimisation
The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) chapel (branch) at the Rotherham Advertiser have agreed to take strike action on Thursday 11 June. The 24-hour walkout is in response to the decision by the new chief executive, Nick Alexander, to target the NUJ’s Father of Chapel (FoC, shop steward) for compulsory redundancy. FoC Phil Turner is the only person who has been dismissed among editorial staff and was told on Wednesday 27 May. The union is appealing this decision and demanding the company withdraw the threat of redundancy immediately. Read more…
The NUJ is asking supporters to send respectful messages of protest to Rotherham Advertiser chief executive Nick Alexander nick.alexander@
UCU National Congress 2015 update
UCU’s annual decision making conference took place in Glasgow over the bank holiday weekend and you can find all the motions debated and voted on here. Conference voted to recommend rejection of the 1% pay offer and members will be balloted in time. SUCU delegates to Congress will give a full report back to members at the AGM next Wednesday 10 June.
Successful local action at Warwick against casualisation
Congratulations to colleagues and students at Warwick whose campaign has resulted in University management disbanding TeachHigher – a recruitment service that would have been contracted to supply hourly paid academic staff, so that staff would not be employed by academic departments. An Assembly will now be held on June 19th, 12.00, University of Warwick instead of the planned demo to discuss how best to move forward with the national campaign against casualization in HE. Read more..
End austerity now!: People’s Assembly demonstrations in London, 20 June
Its anticipated that thousands of people will be joining the protests against austerity at People’s Assembly demonstration in London on 20 June. UCU members are encouraged to make plans to attend and help build this important event. Transport arrangements including coaches from Sheffield.