SUCU Branch News 5 March 2015

Branch Meeting next Wednesday 11 March 1pm Council Chamber Octagon Centre

Our guest speaker next week will be Geraldine Egan – a pensions advice specialist from UCU.  Please note Geraldine advises and assists UCU members regarding their individual pensions – separate to USS negotiations.  Other items on the agenda are: USS update (read more..), anti-bullying and harassment campaign and an update on reward and recognition negotiations.  Tea and coffee will be served at 12.45.

Please display this poster and encourage members to attend.

Pensions specialist surgery for individual members 11 March – book your appointment

Our pensions specialist will also hold a surgery after the branch meeting to give advise to individual UCU members about anything to do with pensions.  10 minute slots will be available.  The surgery will be held in the SUCU office.  If you’re interested please reply to this message, and provide times you can be available between 2.30 and 4.30. Obviously, the more flexible you can be, the greater the chance of an appointment.  We’ll gauge demand from this event, and hold further sessions if necessary.

International Womens’ Day 8 March

Each year International Women’s Day is celebrated across the globe on 8 March. It is a widely celebrated as an opportunity to draw attention to the struggle for women’s rights, to link these up with women’s struggles worldwide and to demonstrate international sisterly solidarity with working women everywhere.