Branch updates

News in brief from SUCU Committee.

2 days to action… Why strike?

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2 days to action... Why strike?

Because there are scandalous levels of casualisation in Higher Education. The sector currently employs 75,000 on atypical academic contracts according to HESA data. At least 21,000 teaching staff have zero-hours contracts, and 67% of research staff are on fixed-term contracts - around a third of these on contracts of 12 months or less. There is no defense for universities treating large sections of their staff in this way, and UCU is calling for specific action to take away the scourge of insecurity endemic in the sector.

STRIKE OVER PAY & RELATED ISSUES Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th May Endemic job insecurity leads to demotivated workers.

3 days to action… Why strike?

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3 days to action... Why strike?

Because pay inequality is obscene and not being addressed. The gender pay-gap for academic staff in the UK is a whopping 12.6%, with red-brick universities generally the worst offenders. At Sheffield University, the average female academic earns over £4,500 less than the average male. There is evidence to suggest that widening pay inequality in general, with the highest paid staff stretching away from the rest, feeds this problem. Universities acknowledge there is an issue but are doing little to address it.


Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th May

More than 100 people now earn over £100k at Sheffield University, and two over £300k. Money well spent?

4 days to action… Why strike?

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4 days to action... Why strike?

Because a strong turn-out strengthens the union. The university prides itself on listening, and the union is the voice of a large body of its staff. Striking, and visibility on the picket lines, gives a clear message that our concerns must be addressed. Not only will it help in the current campaign on pay, it also boosts the union's standing in all aspects of negotiation.


Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th May

Because 6.1% for VCs / 1.1% for the rest is not even close to fair:

5 days to action… Why strike?

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5 days to action... Why strike?

Because it has the support of the student body. The Sheffield University Students Union last week passed a motion of unconditional support for the action. In it, they note that "student education is adversely affected by demoralised and undervalued staff" and resolve to "work and organise with other student and trade unions to mobilise against cuts, privatisation and marketisation in education".

It is important to remember that this strike would not be happening if universities had listened to and treated staff fairly on pay levels, and taken action to address injustices on the gender pay gap and overuse of casual contracts.

A leaflet explaining the action to students is here:


Wednesday 25th & Thursday 26th May Overworked + Undervalued = No good for students

Strike days: have you considered picketing?

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Picketing on the strike days, 25th and 26th May A strong presence on the day of strikes is a big boost to how effectively strike action works. Please consider joining members on the picket lines on the morning of the strike days. For those who've never done it before, it can be a fun way to chew over issues with colleagues you rarely get the chance to talk to about such things. We'll be picketing the main university buildings from 7:45 to 11:00 on both strike days next week. Report to the concourse in front of the Students' Union from 7.45am onwards to get an armband and your choice of placard.  You can picket either your own building or another site. If you plan to picket and haven't contacted us, it would help if let us know at (or through your departmental contact) so we have an idea of numbers. Strike Action and Working to Contract FAQs: