Branch updates

News in brief from SUCU Committee.

April Branch News

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Look out for the new edition of our printed bulletin, which will arrive in your mailbox soon!

April Branch News

Have your say in the pay ballot, tell us what you think about university parking, and consider coming to our Action Group. The annual negotiations on pay are heading for a deadlock, with an offer of 1% on the pay spine and no firm action on the gender pay gap and heavy use of casual contracts falling way short of the joint unions' demands. UCU is balloting its members over strike action, with a recommendation to vote in favour. It is highly unlikely that action short of a strike alone will be enough to win the dispute, so we reiterate that a vote for ASOS should be accompanied by a vote for strike action. If voted for, the action is likely to start on 23 May, the beginning of our exam period. Make sure you post your ballot by Friday to ensure it arrives on time! In a related matter, if you look at your recent payslip you'll find two changes which will have hit your take-home pay: both NI and pension contributions have gone up. The first hit is to do with a change in government policy related to the state second pension, and the second a result of the downgrading of the USS pension scheme, which could be summarised as 'getting less for more'. The overall effect depends on how much you earn, but it is likely to be in the region of a 1.5-3% pay cut. Bear this in mind when looking at this year's pay offer. Recent changes to the university's car parking policy have seen increases in fees, and extensions to the controlled hours in places. We have sent out a survey to seek opinions on the university's decisions. Please do respond to the survey if you can, as we are interested to hear your views. We presented a list of questions to management on the university's recent activities in the outsourcing, spinning-off and setting up of subsidiary companies. Some of our concerns were discussed at a recent Joint Unions Campus Committee meeting, but we will push for full written answers. Recently, Occupational Health joined Staff Counseling in being outsourced to a third-party provider. We need convincing that this is in the interests of staff and the wider university. We had a lively discussion on the subject of lecture capture at our April general meeting, with numerous concerns raised over the implications of it being rolled out across the university. We will be raising this issue locally to try to ensure any university policy protects the rights of staff, and are also pushing for UCU to develop a clear policy on this nationally. As discussed in recent general meetings and mentioned in our last Branch News, a Gold Paper written as an alternative to the government's Green Paper and forthcoming White Paper has been produced by Goldsmiths UCU. The paper is an alternative vision for the future of higher education, some specific to the institution where it was written, some more general. You can find it at Finally, Tuesday 17 May sees the launch of our new Action Group, which will be an informal monthly meeting for members to get involved in discussing fun ways to raise the profile of campaigns happening both locally and nationally. Our launch event will feature a light sandwich lunch, so please do come along!

Action Group Launch

Please do come to our first Action Group meeting, which will be an ideas-generating meeting to help raise the profile of local and national campaigns. Based on a model used at Leeds, we hope this will result in more visibility for the union. As an example, Leeds UCU recently sent a valentine's day card to their Vice Chancellor with the message 'Roses are red, Violets are blue, Support a fair pay rise, And we will love you!' signed by UCU members ( Please do come along! Action Group Launch Tuesday 17 May 1-2pm, Octagon Council Chamber

Committee Positions

Nominations are open for positions on the Sheffield UCU committee for the next academic year, and we very much encourage people to put themselves forward for posts. You need nominating by two fellow UCU members, and contested positions will be put to the vote at the AGM in June. You can find the nomination form here: Please do ask us about what is involved at Committee positions: President, Vice President, Branch Secretary, Education Officer (currently vacant), Equalities and Diversity Officer, Health and Safety Officer, Treasurer, Pensions Officer, Membership Secretary, Communications Officer, Anti-casualisation Officer. Additionally, we have 6 positions on the committee which can be held without taking a specific role.

Staff Survey

Please do follow the university's request to complete the Staff Survey. It's important to cover both positives and negatives and that you do voice any concerns, even if you have already raised them through the union (e.g. workload, stress at work, inappropriate use of PIPs, bullying and harassment, working conditions and environment, insecure contracts, use of targets and metrics).

Solidarity with Academics for Peace in Turkey - sign the petition

In January, over 1400 academics (including over 1100 working in Turkish universities) signed an open letter in which they criticised the Turkish government’s 'deliberate and planned massacre' of its Kurdish population, calling for a road map to peace. The response has been to accuse these academics of supporting terrorism, and signatories have come under sustained persecution including investigations, arrests, interrogations, suspensions and termination of positions. Sign the petition at Related reading: Academic freedom under threat in Turkey, THE, 14 April: Letter from Sally Hunt to the Turkish Embassy:

Dates for the Diary

Wed 8 June, 1-2pm, Annual General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber.


Thursday 28 April, Sheffield - International Workers Memorial Day: wreath laying ceremony and speeches outside Sheffield Town Hall.      

March Branch News – REF, TEF and pay

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March Branch News

A dispute is brewing over pay, the sector unites to oppose the government's Green Paper and we keep a close eye on the university's activities. The first negotiating meeting has taken place between UCU and the employers' representatives, UCEA. In response to UCU's claim of 5% on the pay spine and demands for action to reduce the gender pay gap and use of casual contracts, UCEA have started at 1%, with potential for discussions over some of the other points. This discrepancy in starting positions is unlikely to be resolved easily, and may well be heading for a dispute. With the HE sector reducing spending on staff as a proportion of income over the last decade while building cash reserves, splurging on 'the student experience' and rewarding executive management handsomely, it's hard to be sympathetic to claims that 1% on the pay spine and weak action on pay inequality and casualisation is the best they can do. We will keep you posted on developments. At the end of February, Sheffield UCU sent three delegates to the Second Convention for Higher Education in London to discuss the implications of the government's Green Paper. A full report from one of our delegates will appear in an upcoming printed bulletin, to be distributed soon. Among the themes emerging were strong opposition to the Teaching Excellence Framework and plans for the creation by the sector of a 'Gold Paper' to not just oppose the government's plans, but instead outline an alternative vision. As we have mentioned in previous monthly emails, the university's Occupational Health service has been outsourced. We are concerned of the effects that this will have on staff who rely on the service, and would be very grateful to hear from users of this service as to their experiences; please contact us at with any information you have. We are involved in discussions with the university over what we see as creeping privatisation and outsourcing of university functions, and have prepared a list of questions with the hope of determining whether they have the interests of the university and its staff firmly at the heart of their decisions. Discussions are ongoing regarding the university's approach to the Research Excellence Framework. We are already hearing about variations in practice across different departments, and would be very pleased to receive information from members, either by email or through your departmental contact. We want to ensure that staff are treated fairly throughout the REF, and need to hear about cases where members are being put under undue pressure as part of the process. Today is the day the final salary section of the USS pension scheme closes. From tomorrow, contribution rates will go up for all (keep a close eye on your April pay-slip!) and everyone will be moved to an inferior hybrid scheme. Those who were in the final salary section will see pension benefits based not on their future career final salary, but instead on their salary as at today's date (or possibly an RPI-uprated salary from some point in the last 13 years). UCU continue to maintain that the attack on the scheme was based on flawed valuation methodology - assumed pay settlements of 4.5% every year, ongoing played a big part - and are continuing to press for a change to the way the health of the scheme is assessed. Finally, the occupation of the Richard Roberts Auditorium by the Free University of Sheffield group ended, but not before our well-attended March Branch Meeting voted unanimously to sign in support of the group's aims (

Voice Care for Educators - Free UCU course at the Octagon Centre

There are places available on this practical and interactive workshop designed to help you find, use, enjoy and maintain your voice. The one-day workshop looks at ways to keep your voice healthy as well as use it to best advantage in a teaching environment. To register, visit Voice Care for Educators Thursday 21 April, 10am-4pm Octagon Centre, Sheffield Free, but registration needed

Could you be involved in our Action Group?

Following the good practice of Leeds University UCU, we are planning to start up an 'action group', which would meet once a month to brainstorm ideas which could help raise the profile of local and national campaigns. Keep an eye out for details of the first meeting, which we expect to happen in May. More at the April Branch Meeting on this.

Sheffield UCU Annual General Meeting, 8 June, 1pm

Please note the date of our AGM. All members are very welcome and an agenda will follow in due course. Part of the business of the AGM is to elect members to the Sheffield UCU Committee. We welcome expressions of interest in standing for a committee positions. To do so, please get in touch before 10 May at Current committee members would be happy to discuss the roles and what being on the committee would mean. The roles which currently make up the committee are: President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Branch Secretary, Education Officer, Equalities & Diversity Officer, Health & Safety Officer, Treasurer, Pensions Officer, Membership Secretary, Communications Officer, and Anti-casualisation Officer.

Junior doctors' strike

You are probably aware that the Junior Hospital Doctors are striking for 48 hours from 8am on 6th April, with emergency cover, followed by a full withdrawal of labour on April 26th and 27th from 8am to 5pm. On previous strike days they have picketed outside the Hallamshire Hospital and have welcomed support. The BMA's webpage has more information on the dispute:

Dates for the Diary

Tue 19 April, 1-2pm, Departmental Contacts Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber Tue 26 April, 1-2pm, General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber Wed 8 June, 1-2pm, Annual General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber


Northern Powerhouse - or Northern Poorhouse? Sheffield march and rally against job losses in the region. Assemble Devonshire Green at 12pm, for march and rally outside City Hall at 1pm.

Interesting Reading

28 Years of Stock Market Data Shows a Link Between Employee Satisfaction and Long-Term Value, Alex Edmans, Harvard Business Review: Students have a right to know if lecturers are on casual contracts, Sally Hunt, Times Higher Education:    

February Branch News – pay, pensions and privatisation

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Reminder: Sheffield UCU general meeting, Wednesday 9 March, 1-2pm, Octagon Council Chamber. Update on the pay campaign and more. All welcome!

February Branch News

As annual pay negotiations near, discussions continue over pensions and we highlight concerns over the creeping commercialisation of core university functions.

This year's pay negotiations begin in March. UCU has tabled its claim, including a 'catch-up' award of 5% to redress recent pay erosion and a demand for action to reduce the gender pay gap and use of casual contracts. Universities know that the facts are on our side, and must realise it's important that they offer a genuine pay rise. Failure to do so is likely to trigger a dispute and a ballot.

Last week was UCU's National Recruitment Week, and we took stalls to the Mappin Building and Jessop West. It was really useful to talk to potential and current members. Our straw poll identified workload and stress as the biggest concern for those we spoke to. Please do spread word of the importance of unions with colleagues who are yet to join.

As part of ongoing national discussions on the USS pension scheme, academic experts were asked to submit opinions on how pension funds should be valued and managed. Sheffield's Craig Berry was one of those involved, and you can read his thoughts here. There is a real danger that, without a change of mindset, USS could be attacked further at next year's valuation. We are continuing to keep this on the agenda in Sheffield.

Finally, we are increasingly concerned over the creeping outsourcing and commercialisation of core university activities. Occupational Health is the latest HR function to be outsourced, following on from staff counselling, and we will be putting questions to the university to establish what processes are followed in such decisions and in whose interests they are being made.

Rate for the Job

If you haven't yet had a try, the Rate for the Job page developed by UCU allows you to find out what salary you would be on if pay had kept up with inflation over the past 6 years. It also allows you to compare your salary with what you might be getting at other institutions, and for you to keep an eye on some eye-watering VC salaries (including that of our own, coming in at over £380k).

Dates for the Diary

  • Thu 3 March, 1-2pm, Departmental Contacts Meeting, Mappin Boardroom, Mappin Building (Note venue!)
  • Wed 9 March, 1-2pm, General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber
  • Tue 19 April, 1-2pm, Departmental Contacts Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber
  • Tue 26 April, 1-2pm, General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber
  • Wed 8 June, 1-2pm, Annual General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber

Interesting Reading

January Branch News – Pay, casualisation and parking

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Reminder: Sheffield UCU general meeting, Wednesday 27 Jan, 1-2pm, Octagon Council Chamber. We host a guest speaker from Leeds UCU to talk about campaigning, and table motions calling for an effective pay campaign and parity between staff and support support services. All welcome!

January Branch News

National campaigns on casualisation and pay are about to begin, while the university takes us for a ride on parking charges.

A new offensive against casualisation is being launched by UCU, with a letter to universities demanding action to tackle heavy use of fixed-term, hourly paid and zero-hours contracts. According to UCU statistics, two-thirds of researchers at UK universities are on fixed-term contracts. Additionally, 75,000 teaching staff are on atypical contracts. In Sheffield, we negotiated the right to be reviewed for a proper contract for anyone reaching a threshold of £750 or 10 teaching engagements per year, with an understanding that regular teachers should normally be on a contract. We are concerned that this agreement is not working out in practice, with only 11% of staff who passed the threshold getting a contract. We are currently pressing the university to do what we believe it promised. Please contact us if you have comments or experience of this, particularly if you are an hourly paid teacher who hasn't been regularised or you are a manager who has experience or comments on the contract process.

In January, the university increased parking fees for staff. We are appalled by the large flat-rate increases and extortionate fines, which don't take account of salary or number of hours worked and act as a pay-cut for staff who have to drive to get to work. We have made our thoughts known strongly to the committee which deals with car-parking, and will continue to do so. You can see the updated fees here: You may also be interested by this guide to fines issued by private companies, such as those running the university's car parks:

We expect a national campaign to start imminently to demand a proper pay rise in this year's negotiations, starting in March. Recent below-inflation pay offers have resulted in real-terms devaluation of around 15%. This trend cannot be justified by universities, who have built up cash reserves and reduced salaries as a proportion of their budgets, and must not be allowed to continue. With the downgrading of the USS pension scheme also happening in March, it is clear that the goodwill of staff is being exploited. We hope that universities will avoid disputes and recognise the need to offer a fair deal. We will be tabling a motion to press the national leadership for an effective campaign at our January general meeting tomorrow.

A major focus of policy in higher education of recent times, the government's HE Green Paper, demands a robust response by UCU. With this in mind, a convention has been organised at UCL to discuss its implications, and Sheffield UCU is funding up to five delegates to attend the conference. You don't need to be a regular attendee of meetings or consider yourself an activist to represent us, just an interest in this matter and willingness to attend. If you would like a return trip to London on Saturday 27 February, please do contact us. You can read a summary of UCU's current response to the consultation here:

Finally, we have been made aware of a recent update to the university's IT Code of Practice which seems to require staff to be experts on legal frameworks in every country which hosts a service they might use, and additionally prohibits accessing content which is "indecent, offensive, threatening, discriminatory or extremist", without defining those terms. We have raised the matter with the university, as we are concerned about restrictions on academic freedom, and the potential for disciplinary cases. You can read the IT code of practice here:

Pick Apart a Policy

Can you help us by picking apart a policy? The policy subsection of the HR webpages,, contains pages on all sorts of aspects of working at the university (equality and diversity, flexible leave, redeployment procedures, drugs and alcohol, and many more). The committee are involved in discussions over these policies continually, and work hard to try to protect members' interests. We invite you to look at one policy relevant to you, and contact us with anything you find which looks worrying. All help very much appreciated!

Interesting reading

  • "'Biased' students give BME academics lower NSS scores, says study", Times Higher:
  • UCU's Academic-Related Professional Staff newsletter, including an article "How ready is HE to embrace the future?":

Dates for the diary

  • Wed 27 January, 1-2pm, General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber
  • Mon 22 - Fri 26 February, UCU National Recruitment Week. Look out for the Sheffield UCU stall!
  • Sat 27 February, HE Green Paper Convention, 10am-5pm, UCL:
  • Thu 3 March, 1-2pm, Departmental Contacts Meeting, Mappin Boardroom, Mappin Building Note venue
  • Wed 9 March, 1-2pm, General Meeting, Octagon Council Chamber

Upcoming events

December Branch News – Equality and diversity, pensions and a top 100 place to work?

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Reminder: our Branch News now goes out once per month. Follow us at for more frequent updates. Please forward this message to non-members who may be interested!

December Branch News

A busy year, in which branch membership grew and we defended the right to automatic pay increments, ended with a focus on equality and diversity issues, Sheffield taking an interest in the national discussion on pensions, and a place in the top 100 places to work.

Our final general meeting of the year was held at the end of November. Discussion was lively, and concerns voiced about the university's approach to core functions: occupational health is about to join staff counseling in being outsourced, while Juice has been spun-off as a private company and our Director of HR seemed keen on commercialising further functions in his recent interview ( Are priorities straight here, we wonder, and in whose interests are these decisions being made? We also welcomed a talk by the new president of Sheffield Students' Union, Christy McMorrow, who gave an update on their campaigns.

Our equality and diversity officer attended the national UCU Equality and Diversity Conference in November. Motions were passed to do more to ensure support for members suffering domestic violence, and also to prioritise diverse representation in every level of the union, among other things. We will be looking more closely at what we can do locally on these matters early next year.

In response to our letter to the Vice Chancellor (, the university is taking an interest in the national discussions on pensions currently taking place between UCU and Universities UK (the employers' umbrella body). UCU maintains that the current method of valuing the USS pensions scheme is thoroughly misleading and in urgent need of a review; failure to do so is likely to lead to a further attack on pension benefits in 2017.

Finally, you probably saw that the University of Sheffield made the top 100 places to work in the Sunday Times' list ( This may be a surprise to some - workload, stress, casual contracts and harassment issues are very much on our radar - but with the university keen to pat itself on its back, we wonder: is this success really to be claimed by the HR department, or is it perhaps testament to the strength of the campus unions (

Happy new year from the Sheffield UCU committee!

HE Green Paper Convention - are you interested?

The branch committee has decided to fund up to 5 Sheffield UCU members to attend a discussion event on the government's green paper for higher education in London in February (details below). If you are interested in attending, please reply to this email. We would very much like to have a strong Sheffield presence.

HE Green Paper Convention: The Threat to the Public University Saturday 27 February, 10am-5pm Christopher Ingold Chemistry Building, UCL

Dates for the diary

  • Thursday 21 January: Sheffield UCU meeting for departmental contacts, 1pm, Octagon Council Chambers.
  • Wednesday 27 January: Sheffield UCU General Meeting, 1pm, Octagon Council Chambers. Guest speaker on pay and campaigning from Leeds UCU.

Interesting reading