Branch updates

News in brief from SUCU Committee.

SUCU Branch News 13th August 2015

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Welcome to new members of Sheffield UCU

Month on month we continue to grow in number, with a 5% increase over the last year across the university.  Every member makes a difference - by adding to the strength of the union in negotiations and influencing the direction it takes.  Please spread the word to colleagues about joining us, and see information here about how you can get more involved.  Free mugs and "build the union" bags have just arrived so if you'd like to collect some from the SUCU office please contact

Events of interest:

Black Lives Matter Conference, Nottingham, October 28, 2015 9.30am-5pm.  More...

SUCU Branch News 30 July 2015

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Decision from Information Commissioner on University of Sheffield

A member has alerted us to a recent decision by the Information Commissioner concerning the University of Sheffield's refusal to disclose information relating to Employment Tribunal claims over a three year period.  For example, University management are refusing to say how much has been spent on legal costs.  SUCU Committee fully support the need for the information on Employment Tribunal data and will watch this with interest and of course keep members updated.

Events of interest: 

  • "Time to Act! - Divest from Fossil Fuels, Invest in Climate Jobs, Build the Climate Movement" National Conference Sheffield, Sat 19 Sep, Sheffield College: Speakers include Louise Haigh MP. More information...
  • Cuban Futures conference, Sat 3 Oct, London: Find out about what’s happening in Cuba and the reality behind the headlines on US-Cuba relations. More information...
  • TUC demo at the Tory Party Conference, Sun 4 Oct, Manchester: Transport from Sheffield available. More information...

SUCU Branch News 16 July 2015

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New SRDS process

We recently alerted you to the introduction of a new SRDS process which we are closely monitoring, along with the other campus unions.  Its important to ensure that any objectives agreed in your SRDS are under your control, and that any risk dependencies which can affect their achievement (eg Research Council funding or specific support needs) are identified.  Please keep sending your comments in confidence to

UCU survey of researchers

Are you or have you ever been a researcher in higher education? UCU has launched a new survey to gather evidence on the impact of short-term funding on the production of research. UCU is interested in gathering evidence of how short-term funding structures affect the production of research to help us make the argument for more stable funding and sustainable research careers. We also want to know what researchers think about the funding of research. If you are or have ever been a researcher, please help us by filling in this survey.  The survey is open to all involved in research, so when you’ve completed it, make sure to pass it on to other researchers, along with this link to join UCU, the union fighting for better research careers.

Member surgery 23 July

There are some appointment slots available at our surgery on the 23 July, 10.00 to 12.00 for individual members seeking advice about an employment issue   Volunteer UCU colleagues from within the Branch who have received casework training will be offering confidential help and advice.  If you would like to book an individual appointment email  Please note that members are not normally eligible for help in the first three months of membership. Read more about SUCU assistance here.

Open letter to the Guardian

Member may be interested to read this open letter - Let UK universities do what they do best – teaching and research.

Events of Interest

Another major GMB Greenco Rally in support of GMB Recycling Workers.  We alerted members previously to this very important struggle for GMB members at Sheffield's recycling centres.  They are fighting an ongoing battle over issues including: bullying, pay, poor welfare facilities, increased use of zero hours contracts, ending payment of the living wage and threatened disciplinary action for the entire work-force for expressing an intention to take legitimate and lawful strike action.  The demo will be on Saturday 18th July, 12pm — 2pm, Blackstock Green Co, S14 1JE (outside the Horse and Groom pub) and speakers include Sheffield Heeley MP Louise Haigh.

SUCU Branch News 9 July 2015

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Consultative Pay Ballot result

All members should already have received a message from Sally Hunt (UCU General Secretary) about the results of the consultative pay ballot.  You will see that a final decision will not be made until October following four national/regional consultation meetings towards the end of September. We will of course be contacting you ahead of this consultation and you can send your comments at any time to

Implementation of new reward and recognition scheme

We are hearing from members that sessions are now being held across Departments about the new reward and recognition scheme.  These changes are the result of many months of challenging negotiations with University Management by the campus unions .  The negotiations centered around changes to the Local Framework Agreement (the local implementation of the National Framework Agreement reached in 2004) which affects the terms and conditions of employment for Staff on Grades 1-9. Most notably and of national significance the unions have protected the principle that staff can expect annual increments within the normal range, in recognition of their increased experience and skill in the role. Please note - the unions to did not sign up to "the Deal" element or support the new individual rewards scheme that replaced non-consolidated ECAs.

UCU Guidance on the Prevent Strategy

The Prevent duty is the University's obligation to participate in a governmental policy to  ‘Deal with all forms of terrorism and with non-violent extremism, which can create an atmosphere conducive to terrorism and can popularise views which terrorists then exploit'.  There are many aspects of the Prevent duty which remain unclear. UCU have produced this briefing to help branches.

Five cities, seven years: my life post-PhD

Members may be interested to read this THE blog post from a local member about early careers and job insecurity.  Its also on her personal blog.

SUCU Branch News 25 June 2015

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New University procedures  - your feedback please

This week a new redeployment procedure, and a new SRDS process will be introduced and closely monitored.  Both procedures should be better than their predecessors - in response to campus trade union negotiations. We would like to hear from our members about how they are unfolding in practice.  Please email in confidence:

Sheffield Pride  27 June to 4 July

This is the largest annual LGBT event in Sheffield and has been sponsored by the University for 5 years.  The week long activities include:

Four myths about why women aren't getting the top jobs in universities

Members may be interested in this Guardian article about women in top HE jobs.

Events of Interest

"Fighting Against Cuts and Privatisation in NHS" Thursday 2nd July 7pm,Quaker Meeting House.   Read more..