Please note the date of our next AGM. All members are very welcome and an agenda will follow shortly. Part of the business of the AGM is to elect members of SUCU Committee. If you are interested in standing for a Committee position please get in touch before 12 May by emailing Current members would be happy to talk to you about what it would mean.
National pay negotiations
As usual, this time of year sees talks between the joint unions and HE employers on pay and related matters. At the time of writing no pay offer has yet been made by the employers' side. We will bring you further news as we get it.
UCU women members survey
UCU is gathering feedback from women members in relation to their experiences of sexual harassment. The findings will be used to draw together evidence to produce strategies for branches and institutions to tackle sexual harassment with practical advice and support for members. If you have any queries please email in the first instance. We very much welcome your views and hope that you will take part in this survey. The closing date for the survey is Friday 15 May 2015.
Saturday 25th April - March for the NHS. Assemble 1100hrs Endcliffe Park, Sheffield
Organised by Peoples NHS this short march over just over a mile will proceed along Oakbrook Road through Nick Clegg's constituency to Nether Green.
SUCU Branch News 16 April 2015
Published on
E-Ballot of members on reward and recognition review
You will be aware following previous updates at branch meetings and in branch news that SUCU, alongside sister campus unions, has been negotiating with University management as part of the Reward and Recognition review. The negotiations are nearing completion. We have final comments from our national negotiators, and will ballot you (our members) by email next week. The negotiations have centered around changes to the Local Framework Agreement (the local implementation of the National Framework Agreement) which affects the terms and conditions of employment for Staff on Grades 1-9. There is also a change to the Capability Agreement, which affects all staff.
We will be sending you full details of the proposed changes along with the e-ballot link. Also you will be able to discuss the proposals if you wish with members of SUCU Committee at the Council Chamber, Octagon Centre next Wed 22 April 1 - 2 pm.
If you haven't received your e-ballot by next Monday contact
International Workers Memorial Day 28 April
“Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living”. Sheffield ceremony starts outside Town Hall at 12.30 with a wreath being laid by Lord Mayor Cllr Peter Rippon, followed by a series of speeches on health and safety at work. Speakers include Bill Adams Regional TUC Secretary, Louise Haigh Labour PPC Sheffield Heeley, and speakers from a number of trade unions and health and safety campaigns. Finishes about 1330hrs. Read more..
UCU Anti-facist News April 2015
Read the latest edition from the UCU anti-fascist campaign. Contents include: Equality Q&A with Weyman Bennett (joint secretary of UAF), HOPE not hate election campaign, General Election lobbying toolkit website, “I am an immigrant” poster launch.
SUCU Branch News 9 April 2015
Published on
Appointments available at SUCU advice surgery Tues 14 April
Three appointment slots are available to see Branch Personal Caseworkers at a surgery next Tuesday to give advice to individual members about employment related matters. Surgeries are usually held once a month for individual members who have asked SUCU for help, and are normally fully booked. Its very unusual to have unfilled appointments so we are offering the spaces to the general membership on a first come first served basis. If you're interested please reply to this message, and state which slots you would be available: 3.00- 3.30, 3.30 - 4.00 or 4.00 - 4.30. Obviously, the more flexible you can be, the greater the chance of an appointment.
“Hungry for Justice” International Fast Food Workers Rights Event Saturday 18th April
The rally starts at midday at the bottom of Fargate as part of the ongoing Fast Food Workers Rights Campaign organised by International Union of Foodworkers (IUF) and backed by Bakers Union (BFAWU) and UNITE Community. Join the demand for £10 National Minimum Wage Now and No to Zero Hours Contracts. It’s followed by a public meeting at 2pm in Central United Reform Chapel on Norfolk Street (opposite Crucible).
SUCU Branch News 26 March 2015
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Research grant application writing courses - free for UCU members
UCU offer a range of personal and professional development resources that will provide practical help throughout the course of your career. Places are still available for a research grant application writing course: Professor Andrew Derrington, author of The Research Funding Toolkit presents a one day workshop aimed at helping academics write better research grant applications:
understanding how research funding decisions dictate the content and structure of a grant application
practical exercises on how to design fundable research projects
develop writing skills to present your project effectively to any research funder.
Our employer is now sending out consultation packs to each individual member of the USS pension scheme. Members are encouraged to consider information provided by UCU on the USS consultation and our local webpage when considering your responses. We have until 22 May to send our individual comments so there is time to think it over. For more information about the consultation process and the proposed changes please also see slides shown by the National UCU Pensions Officer at the Branch Meeting last week.
Stand up to Racism national demo this Saturday
Many organisations will be coming together on Saturday 21 March 2015 to reject racism, Islamophobia and anti-Semitism; to celebrate diversity and make migrants welcome, to demonstrate confidence in a future free of scapegoating, racism and hatred, and to remember Nelson Mandela and cherish the idea for a free and democratic society in which all persons live together in harmony and equal opportunities. More information...
Public Hustings Meeting Against Austerity 25th March 7-9pm
As part of our promotion of the your vote matters campaign we are alerting members to an excellent event organised by the local Peoples Assembly in association with the Festival of Debate. Venue: Central United Reform Church (opposite the Crucible), Norfolk Street. Austerity – a failed experiment? Come along to hear some of the local candidates who are standing in the General Election. Question them about their views and policies on deficit reduction, public spending cuts and dismantling of the public sector, zero hours contracts, wage cuts, benefit sanctions, bedroom tax, child poverty, food banks, NHS privatisation, and all the other consequences of austerity.
Saturday 18th April International Fast food Rights Event - Real Jobs on Real Pay for all