Branch updates

News in brief from SUCU Committee.

SUCU Branch News 4 December 2014

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USS update

  • Motions passed by a very well attended General Meeting last week have been sent to UCU HQ.  Members have called for a Special Sector Conference to recall the current UCU negotiating position as well as putting forward our USS position, and expressing our concerns over punitive pay deductions over ASOS and a proposal for local flexibility over what action is taken. We will update you with progress on this.
  • Lobby Senate next Wed 10th Dec 13.45-14.15, outside Firth Court.  Many Russell Group Universities have opposed the pension cuts - why hasn't Sheffield done likewise?  UUK risks recommending a major downgrading of pensions - due to a flawed valuation.  THIS MUST BE CHALLENGED.   Imperial College have publicly come out against the USS methodology.  Please join us outside Firth Court at 13.45 to demand our University speaks out too.
  • The USS petition now has OVER 16,000 signatures!  This will be handed over to Universities UK at the USS board meeting today.

Researchers: Could you redeploy into a Vice Chancellor’s Fellowship?

Our employer is about to advertise a series of "Vice Chancellor’s Fellowships", which are posts created by the employer with the deliberate intent of bringing new staff in from other universities while it simultaneously lays off hundreds of existing researchers already here every year.   But under recent EU law, researchers and anyone else threatened with redundancy are eligible to redeploy into such new roles if they can show they can meet the basic requirements with "sufficient retraining" (which can be quite a lot of training).  If they can do this, then they automatically must be given the job in preference to any external candidates.   Are you interested in doing such a redeployment?  If so please get in touch with us.

LGBT Research Conference 2015 Manchester,  Friday 15th May 10-16.00 and reception until 18.00

Attendance is free for UCU members, but regrettably UCU is unable to reimburse travel and accommodation expenses for UCU members on this occasion.  For all non UCU members the cost will be £12.00 (inclusive of VAT). Refreshments and a light lunch will be available.  Venue: University of Manchester, Oxford Road, Manchester, M13 9PL.  The deadline for registration is Friday 17 April.

SUCU Branch News 27 Nov 2014

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Update from General Meeting today

A very well attended and quorate branch meeting today discussed the current position in the USS dispute.  The following motions were debated and members voted unanimously to pass them. Motion on Special Conference on HE Pensions, Sheffield UCU GM 27 Nov 2014 This UCU branch supports the call for the requisition of a Special HE Sector Conference to debate the campaigns to defend pensions in HE, and to defend the capacity of the UCU to call industrial action short of a strike as part of those campaigns. Passed nem con  Motion on USS negotiations, Sheffield UCU GM 27 Nov 2014
  1.  This branch recognises the absolute necessity to effectively fight the attack on our pensions, and in particular to prevent the introduction of a Trojan Horse 'Defined Contribution' element.
  2. The branch is deeply disappointed with the extensive concessions made already to the employers by our negotiators, in particular the abandonment of the final salary pension. We would like to see final salary for all.  We believe this concession was unnecessary and destructive, as there was tremendous support for action in the ballot on our side, and the employer side was publicly falling apart as the supposed scheme deficit was exposed as an artifice. The concessions should be taken off the table.
Passed nem con

 Motion on Punitive Pay Deductions, Sheffield UCU GM 27 Nov 2014

  1.  In response to the recent assessment boycott our employer was going to make punitive deductions.  They were going to deduct 25% of pay from staff engaged in the assessment boycott, a far greater proportion of salary than of work, and were to continue to deduct 25% until the assessment work was done, presumably until the end of the dispute, however short the assessment work itself.  Compare that to the two hour strikes in our pay dispute earlier this year, which of course did not and could not result in indefinite 28% pay docking.
  2. If an agreement is not reached with the employers in the coming negotiations and the industrial action resumes it is essential that our response is effective and deals appropriately with punitive deductions.  We are pleased that the HEC on the 19th November reaffirmed the policy explicitly stated in the ballot that there would be national strike action if employers make punitive deductions.
  3. If action resumes we would urge the HEC to allow local branches to flex the approach to action short of a strike and strike action, as each is most effective at different times in different universities.
Passed nem con

Imperial College have publicly come out against the USS methodology

Why isn't Sheffield responding likewise? Read more..

Researcher bridging funds and pools

Some faculties now have bridging funds and researcher pools to improve job security for researchers.  For example, Engineering now has bridging funds available which any PI can apply for to secure researchers between projects.  SUCU continues to campaign for more of these positive steps towards decasualisaton.  We'd like to know more details of what is available in every faculty -- you can help by replying to this email with a quick report of what's available in your own faculty and experiences you have had with them.

Times Higher Education’s Best University Workplace survey

What’s the best thing about working at your university? How do your colleagues and managers make you feel valued? In what areas do you need more support? These are among the questions THE are asking in the second annual Times Higher Education Best University Workplace survey, which is online now.

Newsletter for Academic Related, Professional Staff in Higher Education

The Autumn 2014 edition of UCU's newsletter for members working as administrators, librarians, computing and other professional staff in HE.  

Important motions to be voted on at Branch Meeting tomorrow 27th Nov 1pm

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Important motions to be voted on at Branch Meeting tomorrow 27th Nov 1pm

Venue:  Council Chamber, Octagon Centre Two very important motions that could change the direction of the USS dispute will be discussed and voted on tomorrow.  Its vital that as many branch members as possible attend so the meeting is quorate. Many UCU branches are calling for a Special Higher Education Sector Conference to review the negotiators' strategy.  Such a conference is the only way for members to change the current negotiating position.  According to UCU rules there needs to be at least 20 branches calling for a special Higher Education Sector Conference.  SUCU Committee will be proposing the following motion at the General Meeting this Thursday:

Motion on Special Conference on HE Pensions, Sheffield UCU GM 27 Nov 2014

This UCU branch supports the call for the requisition of a Special HE Sector Conference to debate the campaigns to defend pensions in HE, and to defend the capacity of the UCU to call industrial action short of a strike as part of those campaigns.

Proposed: SUCU Committee

 A second motion will also be proposed by Committee at the meeting, that addresses the need for local flexibility to take and schedule industrial action:  

Motion on Punitive Pay Deductions, Sheffield UCU GM 27 Nov 2014

  1. This branch recognises the absolute necessity to effectively fight the attack on our pensions, and in particular to prevent the introduction of a Trojan Horse 'Defined Contribution' element.
  2. The branch is deeply disappointed with the extensive concessions made already to the employers by our negotiators, in particular the abandonment of the final salary pension. We believe this was unnecessary and destructive, as there was tremendous support for action in the ballot on our side, and the employer side was publicly falling apart as the supposed scheme deficit was exposed as an artifice. The concessions should be taken off the table.
  3. In response to the recent assessment boycott our employer was going to make punitive deductions.  They were going to deduct 25% of pay from staff engaged in the assessment boycott, a far greater proportion of salary than of work, and were to deduct 25% until the assessment work was done, presumably until the end of the dispute, however short the assessment work itself.  Compare that to the two hour strikes in our pay dispute earlier this year, which of course did not and could not result in indefinite 28% pay docking.
  4. If an agreement is not reached with the employers in the coming negotiations and the industrial action resumes it is essential that our response is effective and deals appropriately with punitive deductions.  We are pleased that the HEC on the 19th November reaffirmed the policy explicitly stated in the ballot that there would be national strike action if employers make punitive deductions.
  5. If action resumes we would urge the HEC to allow local branches to flex the approach to assessment boycotts and strike action, as each is most effective at different times in different universities.

Proposed: SUCU Committee

Note - amendments can be proposed at the meeting, or could be circulated beforehand if requested. Other agenda items are: reward and recognition negotiations update. Display this poster and encourage colleagues to attend this meeting. SUCU-General-Meeting-Agenda-27-Nov-14    

Marking boycott suspended

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We have just received news that the marking boycott has been suspended. See here: We expect you will receive a message with further details from head office shortly. In the mean time we advise you to start marking and setting work normally. Where there is a backlog of marking to deal with we expect arrangements to be put in place to reduce that backlog without onerous expectations of weekend or out-of-hours working. If you have any queries about this process please get in touch.

USS pension dispute update

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This is a detailed and comprehensive update for members covering the items listed.  Please do read on.
  • Student Support.
  • 25% punitive deductions - alternative strategy of calling all members to strike action
  • UCU proposal
  • Why we must win this
  • Response to questions
  • Hardship payments
  • Liverpool UCU strike action
  • USS meetings in Departments

Student Support

University of Sheffield Student Union have passed a policy supporting the marking boycott and any strike action we decide to take and calling on the University to publicly put forward a view on changes to USS.  Full text of motion.  And student representatives from students’ unions from across the UK, including national NUS and NUS Scotland officers, have written to the Independent laying the blame for the current action firmly on university managements and Universities UK.  Read more..  

25% punitive deductions - alternative strategy of calling all members to strike action

HR have updated their advice and are deducting 25% of pay from the day your assessment/marking activity is due to start and for every day until the marking is complete, ie presumably until the end of the dispute.  SUCU Committee are aware that these punitive deductions by the University management have a very uneven impact on our members and throw up many anomalies.  SUCU Committee will be proposing an alternative strategy of instead all members taking strike action proportional to the pay docking, eg two days a fortnight.  The strategy would would need the sanction of the national HE Committee.  A motion to this effect will be proposed at the next General Meeting 27th Nov 1-2pm in the Council Chamber, Octagon Centre.  We need a good turn out for this branch meeting.  The proposed motion will be circulated shortly.  

UCU Proposal to the Employers

Last week many of you attended the EGM to discuss the dispute, boycott strategies, and an update from the special USS meeting the day before.  Members were advised of UCU's proposal, since put to the employers. Great concern was voiced across the room.  The following motion was agreed at the meeting and sent to our national negotiators. Motion from University of Sheffield UCU EGM 5 November 2014: This meeting is deeply concerned at the proposals discussed at the national USS meeting yesterday, which are to be put to the employers very shortly:
  • We believe UCU is conceding far too much too early. This is a dangerous opening gambit.
  • Our proposals should be on the basis of a realistic funding valuation, not the over prudent valuation which is disputed by UCU and some employers.
  • The proposals should also be on the basis of what was voted on in the ballot. Putting forward proposals on the basis of the flawed valuation goes against the whole direction and tenor of the previous emails and publicity from HQ.
  • The employers are breaking ranks in public, and in UCU there was an excellent ballot turnout and ballot result. We should make use of our strong position, not immediately make huge concessions.
We strongly urge our negotiators not to put forward to the employers proposals like those discussed on 4 November based on the flawed funding valuation.   Passed nem con UCU negotiators met the Employers last Friday and are due to meet again tomorrow.  We will send you updates as we hear them.  

Why we must win this

The UCU proposal is still vastly superior to the Employers position. If the Employers get away with introducing a Trojan horse 'Defined Contribution' element into USS then they would undoubtedly soon try to extend this (as they have with CARE) and we could end up with a scheme with no guaranteed benefits at all.  This MUST be stopped. Remember:
  • The employers can afford it - pre92 institutions are doing very well.
  • The deficit is entirely artificial. Part comes from inappropriate legislation and part from deliberate 'over-prudence' by the Trustees and Employers (though some are breaking ranks).
SUCU Committee will be proposing an alternative strategy of calling all members to strike action but in the mean time we must hold firm our position and maintain the assessment and marking boycott.   

Response to questions

A number of anomalies have been thrown up as a result of the University's 25% pay docking and members have been sending questions - not specifically covered by the UCU FAQs.  One common question is that if we are being docked 25% should we only work 75%?  The answer we have just received from HQ is No - only assessment work can be boycotted as that is the action that has been declared. We would like to thank members for their questions and for their patience.  

Hardship payments

The national strike fund will be available to members after three full days loss of pay, or equivalent where members docked less than 100 per cent (and pro rata for part timers) and for those who can show disproportionate hardship before that point. Members will receive up to a net £75 a day based on their actual loss. See the FAQs. HQ say the online form for this will be ready shortly. If this still leaves you with problems, SUCU Committee is conscious that some members, especially postgraduate students or those who are hourly paid (bank workers) will experience financial difficulty resulting from loss of income before that point.  SUCU is able to offer support to members who experience hardship as a result of taking industrial action by contacting Jane Rodger, Branch Administrator, email PLEASE PUT THE WORDS "SUCU HARDSHIP APPLICATION" IN THE SUBJECT FIELD and provide some information about why you would be subject to hardship if you lose income as a result of the action. All contact will be completely confidential.  

SOAS break ranks

SOAS is the latest employer to break ranks.  They are making no pay deductions and are pressing UUK (the employer body) to review their strategy.  Why is Sheffield University not doing the same?  

Liverpool UCU vote for strike action

Liverpool is one of a number of University managements to make the aggressive announcement that it will dock 100% pay for partial performance in the assessment boycott Liverpool UCU has voted to go on strike until this threat is lifted.  They have also called on the national union to act on our ballot mandate for a national strike. Members at Liverpool will be now meeting on each Monday and we would like to be able to read out as many messages and pledges as possible at the next meeting. Members at Liverpool need to see support coming in from around the country. Send messages of support to:  

USS meetings in Departments

Many members have held and are organising workplace meetings in their Departments to discuss the boycott and dispute and we would encourage this across all Departments.  If possible a SUCU Committee member will attend. Please note there will be a meeting for members in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities next Tues 18 Nov 1-2pm in the Jessop West Exhibition Space.   More resources: