SUCU Branch News 16 April 2015

E-Ballot of members on reward and recognition review

You will be aware following previous updates at branch meetings and in branch news that SUCU, alongside sister campus unions, has been negotiating with University management as part of the Reward and Recognition review.  The negotiations are nearing completion.  We have final comments from our national negotiators, and will ballot you (our members) by email next week.  The negotiations have centered around changes to the Local Framework Agreement (the local implementation of the National Framework Agreement) which affects the terms and conditions of employment for Staff on Grades 1-9. There is also a change to the Capability Agreement, which affects all staff.

We will be sending you full details of the proposed changes along with the e-ballot link.  Also you will be able to discuss the proposals if you wish with members of SUCU Committee at the Council Chamber, Octagon Centre next Wed 22 April 1 – 2 pm.
If you haven’t received your e-ballot by next Monday contact

International Workers Memorial Day 28 April

“Remember the Dead – Fight for the Living”. Sheffield ceremony starts outside Town Hall at 12.30 with a wreath being laid by Lord Mayor Cllr Peter Rippon, followed by a series of speeches on health and safety at work. Speakers include Bill Adams Regional TUC Secretary, Louise Haigh Labour PPC Sheffield Heeley, and speakers from a number of trade unions and health and safety campaigns. Finishes about 1330hrs. Read more..

UCU Anti-facist News April 2015

Read the latest edition from the UCU anti-fascist campaign.  Contents include: Equality Q&A with Weyman Bennett (joint secretary of UAF), HOPE not hate election campaign, General Election lobbying toolkit website, “I am an immigrant” poster launch.