SUCU Branch News 18 Sept 2014
Update from Branch EGM today
An extremely well attended meeting heard from Roger Brooks National Exec member. Roger gave a comprehensive overview of the threats to the current USS scheme which include the closure of the final salary scheme for all staff and the introduction of a new hybrid scheme. This UCU briefing provides more information, and a UCU commissioned report is expected soon that will show the affect of the Employers’ proposals for different career paths. There was a discussion about taking industrial action including action short of a strike. A special USS conference tomorrow will consider the recommendations of the UCU negotiators working group. These include seeking a mandate for industrial action. We will inform you of further updates.
New UCU colleagues
Many UCU members from other institutions will be moving to Sheffield at this time of year. It would be really helpful to remind colleagues that their membership will only be transferred to this Branch if they inform UCU. This can be done either by contacting or by updating their details online. Please also talk to colleagues who are not in the union about joining us and pass on this flyer providing more information. Every member increases our strength.
Occupational Health Service
How many of you are aware that Occupational Health is now called Workplace Health and Wellbeing and is under the banner of Juice?
Britain Needs A Pay Rise: TUC national demonstration 18 October 2014
The march starts from Embankment at 11am and will end with a rally in Hyde Park. Coaches are leaving Sheffield at 8am. To book a seat contact: or text 07476164537* today! *answerphone – please leave details of your request and contact number for reply. Read more..