SUCU Branch News 8 Jan 2015
Next Branch Meeting Wed 28 Jan 1pm Council Chamber, Octagon Centre
All members are invited to attend. Under discussion will be the pensions dispute, local pay and performance management, and we have a speaker from Sheffield College. Beverages will be served at 12.45.
Please be prepared – USS dispute marking and assessment boycott may restart on 16th Jan
Local pay and performance management
We have reported previously that SUCU together with the other campus unions are in ongoing discussions with management about SRDS and ‘reward and recognition’. Management are putting brief updates on the HR website.
At this stage we have broad agreement on the main points apart from incremental pay progression. Discussions affecting pay continue to be on the basis of the ‘Framework Agreement’ underpinning our current pay structure. In particular regarding incremental pay progression this says, ‘Staff will have a normal expectation that progression from point to point up to the exceptional threshold will take place on an annual basis, subject exceptionally to existing procedures for dealing with performance problems, when increments may be withheld. Accelerated incremental progression, including progression into the exceptional range, will reflect sustained exceptional contribution by the job holder.’ Come to the Branch Meeting on 28 Jan 1pm to hear more and join the discussion.
Anti-bullying and harassment campaign
- More than half of university staff say recent policy changes have caused an increase in bullying – and that institutions aren’t doing enough to tackle the issue
- 81% of Russell Group university members said REF has had a negative impact on bullying.
- The fevered build up to this month’s university research audit has exposed academics to an atmosphere of competitiveness and bullying, according to a survey by the Guardian’s higher education network.
More useful resources:
What to do if you are being bullied or harassed – advice for UCU members , Cyber-bullying: the invisible hand of bullying, If you believe that you are being bullied, the chances are, you are, Ban bullying in Education flyer