Branch updates

News in brief from SUCU Committee.

May Branch News: Support for international colleagues, lecture capture and more

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Come to our AGM, Thursday 8 June, 1pm (Council Room, Firth Court) and keep an eye out for our printed bulletin, to appear soon.

May Branch News

Our Deputy Vice Chancellor departs, we focus on the difficulties facing international staff, and lecture capture is prominent in members' concerns.

With the deputy Vice Chancellor, Shearer West, having announced her departure, we asked the university what this means for the Strategy Delivery Group and the reviews for which she had oversight. We are told that a direct replacement is being sought, and that temporary arrangements for covering any gap are being discussed. In particular, there isn't expected to be any change to the scope or schedule of the SDG's activity. The first of the reviews springing from the SDG are starting to bite, and we will do our best to ensure that the procedures that we negotiated will be followed and that staff get properly supported.

The university recently announced that it will reimburse the cost of residency cards backdated to 23 June last year and will offer legal support on immigration matters for EU staff. While we are pleased of the help for those who find themselves in an uncertain position due to last year's referendum, we think there is more that can be done, especially in light of rocketing charges for initial visas (including the new hard-to-defend 'NHS surcharge' and its proposed hike), as well as for the Indefinite Leave to Remain for non-EU international staff. Here ( is a short version of our discussion document outlining what we'd consider to be gold-standard help for international staff, both EU and non-EU. We hope that the university will support our suggestions which we think align perfectly with its welcome #weareinternational campaign. In addition, if you are a member of our international staff, please remember that UCU offer free legal advice for immigration matters (see below).

We have continued to discuss lecture capture with the university, who are set to roll the system out on an 'opt-out' basis in September. While our members have brought up a number of concerns, we were reassured to see guidance which stated that staff will retain all performance rights for their recordings, and that recordings cannot be used for performance management reasons without the lecturer's permission. We will endeavour to keep all members informed as this guidance firms up. Thanks to all who took part in our consultation on the recent pay offer. We have fed all feedback in to Head Office, and the relevant national committees will be making decisions on the next steps soon. It seemed clear that our members viewed the recent award as dismal, and were supportive of a formal ballot in the autumn. After years of below inflation pay increases, it is hard to see how this year's award can be thought of as fair or acceptable.Finally, we sent four delegates to UCU's annual congress to vote on behalf of Sheffield members on a range of motions. A report will follow in due course, but for now you can see what happened on our Twitter account (

Sheffield UCU Committee

Legal Advice for International Staff 

Our union has partnered with Bindmans immigration law experts to provide advice to both EEA and non-EEA nationals, including partners and dependents of members. The union has also waived the three months waiting period for new members in gaining advice for the legal scheme. The FAQs on UCU’s website contains information on how members can get personalised advice. ( &

Interesting Reading

Over 900 jobs at risk at University of Manchester as university announces major cuts, UCU webpage 10 May 2017.

Dates for the diary

AGM Thurs 8th June 1-2, Council Room, Firth Court. Action Group Wed 21 June 1-2 (theme tbc)

April Branch News

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April Branch News

The NSS looks set to miss its target, pay continues to erode and who knows about pensions?

With just a few days to do until the National Student Survey closes, it is very likely that the University of Sheffield will fall short of the 50% response rate at which its results will be published. This is due to the high-profile boycott being run by the National Union of Students which has the support of UCU nationally and locally. The boycott was motivated by the linking of fee-rises to the Teaching Excellence Framework metrics and almost certainly played a part in the House of Lords' rejection of this aspect of the Higher Education Bill. The bill was rushed through the system yesterday to make way for a general election, and while there have been some concessions by the government, it still contains much that is malign.

The annual negotiations on pay have reached an impasse, with the headline offer on the pay spine equivalent to a massive 1.3% pay cut in real terms compared to RPI. There was an agreement for further joint work on the gender pay gap, but nothing further on casualisation, and an outright refusal to engage in negotiations on workloads and stress. The scale of the wage erosion is now such that starting lecturer salaries are lower in real terms than they were in 1999 and, when factoring in last year's downgrade to the USS pension scheme, it becomes clear that the power balance in higher education remuneration is far from healthy.

The triennial valuation of the USS pension fund should appear soon. While the same calculations as in 2014 would produce another large deficit, there are signs that the arguments made by UCU and its actuaries last time are starting to bite. In Sheffield, a joint working group was established to firm up the institutional view of the area, and we were pleased to find fairly closely aligned priorities. It is hard to know what the outcome of all this will be, but the worst case could be another attempt to downgrade the pension scheme; such an attempt would need a robust response from members.

The work of the university's Strategy Delivery Group continues, with the recommendations from major reviews imminent. We encourage all members to take part in the numerous consultation events that are occurring, as it is important that staff voices are heard. Sheffield UCU will have a role in ensuring that agreed procedures are followed in any restructuring that results from the reviews, and we will do our best to support members collectively as best we can.

Along with our sister campus unions, UNISON and Unite, we will be holding a drop-in event on Tuesday 16 May for non-members interested in knowing more about trade unions, what they're for and their role in change management processes (details below). Please do encourage colleagues who are interested to attend.

Finally, our Annual General Meeting is approaching, and there is still time to volunteer to be on the branch committee (see below). With a lot of uncertainty at the university, it is important that the local union provides the collective voice and support that it is here to give. Any part you can play in ensuring this happens will be appreciated by members.

Sheffield UCU Committee

Introduction to trade unions for non-members (drop-in)

Please encourage those who show an interest in joining a trade union to come to our drop in session, held jointly with UNISON and Unite. We will outline what trade unions do, discuss how we make sure the university follows proper procedures in change management and answer questions from the floor.

  • Introduction to trade unions (drop-in), Tue 16 May, 13:00-14:00, Arts Tower LT7

Sheffield UCU Annual General Meeting

Our Annual General Meeting takes place on Thursday 8 June, 1-2pm, Council Room, Firth Court. Part of the business is to elect members to the committee for the next academic year, and we very much encourage people to put themselves forward for positions. Current committee members would be happy to discuss the roles and what being on the committee would mean.

The roles which currently make up the committee are: President, Senior Vice President, Vice President, Branch Secretary, Education Officer, Equalities & Diversity Officer, Health & Safety Officer, Treasurer, Pensions Officer, Membership Secretary, Communications Officer, and Anti-casualisation Officer. Additionally, we have 6 positions on the committee which can be held without taking a specific role.

To put yourself forward, you need to be nominated by two fellow UCU members, and contested positions will be put to the vote at the AGM in June. The deadline for nominations is Thurs 11th May.

We Stand with CEU!

Our March branch meeting voted unanimously in favour of a motion in support of the Central European University in Budapest, whose existence is under threat from a law passed by the Hungarian government. The move is seen by many as an attack on academic freedom, and has been condemned by over 650 universities and academic organizations worldwide. We will be writing to our Vice Chancellor to ask if Sheffield will join the list. In the meantime, you can show your support with the hashtag #IstandWithCEU.

Support for EU staff

We were pleased to see the university has committed to paying the fee for permanent residency applications for its staff from EU countries, backdated to the EU referendum of last year. The university are also offering free specialist legal advice for such staff. To enquire about either, email

TUC survey of LGBT+ staff

Are you LGBT+? Are you currently working or have worked in the last 5 years? The TUC would like to hear from you.

The TUC are launching a UK wide survey for all LGBT+ workers, whether you are in a trade union or not. They want to understand your experiences of work – good and bad. Have your say today by completing the survey.

Do you employ student ambassadors as casual staff?

If you engage any student ambassadors as casuals, the pay rate has changed for those on Grade 1 since 1 April 2017 due to the removal of point 1.1 on the pay spine.

  • Any work completed up to and including 31 March 2017 - £8.09 (Grade 1.1)
  • Any work completed since 1 April 2017 - £8.25 (Grade 1.2)

Please make sure all those you employ are properly paid!

Dates for the diary

  • Wed 24 May, 13:00-14:00, Action Group (theme tbc)
  • Thu 8 June, 13:00-14:00, Annual General Meeting, Council Room, Firth Court

March Branch News – reviews everywhere, lecture capture and NSS

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March Branch News

Reviews spring up everywhere, we record our thoughts on lecture capture, and the boycott of NSS seems to be taking hold.

As will be all too clear to many staff, the university has been gripped by review-fever, with a major review of Student Services joining that of Research and Innovation Services and numerous other departments already under the microscope. Add to that a recently announced reflection on the faculty structures and it is clear that there is a lot of change in process. While we acknowledge the university has a right to review its processes and structures whenever it likes, we are concerned that too much at once may lead to over-stretching, insufficient oversight and rushed decisions. We are watching as closely as we can to ensure policies are followed properly and staff treated fairly. We are grateful to the university for the transparency they are providing on the Strategy Delivery Group webpages; do familiarise yourself with the content there if you haven't already.

The Strategy Delivery Group's remit is, of course, predicated on the university's financial position. We are still seeking clarity on the university's accounts, with the new accounting standards raising more questions than they answer. In particular, in this age of alternative facts, it is disappointing that that the university is refusing to correct inaccuracies and misleading statements in its financial infographic after we have repeatedly asked them to do so. We haven't heard recent claims anywhere near as worrying as those used as a launchpad for the SDG last summer, and note the sizable total surplus for the 2015-16 year. We await updates, and will pass on any information we can.

Lecture capture is now firmly on the agenda, with an 'opt-out' system due for for the 2017-18 academic year. We have been discussing this issue with the university in depth, and have raised numerous concerns that staff have brought up in meetings and by email. We are doing our best to ensure that the implementation of the policy protects as many staff rights as possible, with retaining performance rights currently a priority. We have an Action Group meeting dedicated to lecture capture on 29 March (see below) where we will be brainstorming a way forward. We also plan to meet with the Students Union to see if we can form a joint position of aligned interests.

The NUS's national boycott of the National Student Survey appears to be working in Sheffield, with low response rates across the university. Interestingly, we believe that students who have already filled in the survey are entitled to ask for their data to be removed. The boycott is supported by UCU nationally, and we have formed a joint statement with the Student Union locally. Our advice to staff is that it's acceptable to make final year students aware of the boycott and where to find more information, but to stop short of advocating they take part.

Our Action Group meeting in early March focused on stress and workload. The need for a university policy on workload allocation was discussed, with significant variability evident across the institution, along with the potential for better coordination with the university's Staff and Disability Network. Health and safety matters are a continual source of negotiation with the university, and health and safety law offers powerful protection for staff. We believe that the university should be doing full risk assessments of all departments, particularly with regards stress, and hope to make further headway in the coming months.

Lastly, some good news: Sheffield UCU membership continues to climb, up 5% over the past year, and we have co-opted new members to the committee. With uncertain times at the university, it seems an important moment to be part of a collective. Please do encourage colleagues to join and consider responding to our plea for help to increase our effectiveness locally.

Sheffield UCU Committee

Do you want a trip to Brighton?

The annual UCU Congress - the main decision making body of the union - happens 27-29 May in Brighton. This branch can send four delegates. If you are interested in attending to see how UCU works on a national level, then please get in touch (

Save Sheffield Central Library!

Our March branch meeting was addressed by Rebecca Gransbury who is leading the campaign to save Sheffield Central Library, which is under threat from plans to sell it to developers who plan to turn it into a hotel. Please do sign the petition and keep out for events via the Facebook page. You can find out more about the proposals on the Sheffield City Council website.

Action Group on Lecture Capture

Our next Action Group meeting is focused on the issue of lecture capture. We will be discussing what we should be doing about the issue, ways to link up with the local student union and more. If this is an issue that you feel strongly about, please come!

  • Wed 29 March, 13:00-14:00, Action Group (Lecture Capture), Octagon Meeting Room 1

Working in the UK - Legal Advice

If you are concerned about your right to work in the UK, whether as an EEA or non-EEA National, you can find information on your rights and legal advice through UCU by visiting the page below.

Dates for the diary

  • Wed 29 March, 13:00-14:00, Action Group (Lecture Capture), Octagon Meeting Room 1
  • Thu 6 April, 13:00-14:00, Departmental Contacts Meeting, Chancellors Room, Firth Court
  • Thu 13 April, 13:00-14:00, General Meeting, Council Room, Firth Court
  • Thu 8 June, 13:00-14:00, Annual General Meeting, Council Room, Firth Court

Interesting Reading

January Branch News – NSS boycott, anti-casualisation and more on university finances

Published on

  • Come to our USS-themed Action Group meeting, Wed 1 Feb, 1-2pm, to plan how to raise the profile of the upcoming valuation.
  • Save the date! Tuesday 21st February (tbc): Sally Hunt and Jo McNeill have been invited to Sheffield for a General Secretary Hustings.

January Branch News

Students campaign to boycott the NSS, our anti-casualisation drive continues, and we find the university's accounts of its accounts unconvincing.

The National Union of Students has just begun a campaign to boycott the National Student Survey (NSS). This boycott is designed to disrupt the metric-based Teaching Excellent Framework (TEF), which is tied to the raising of student fees. The boycott is supported by UCU nationally and locally, and we have produced a joint statement with our students' union on why this is an important issue. There is guidance from UCU on how individual members can support the boycott and a poster you can display. Our branch advice is to draw students' attentions to the NUS campaign, and that it has the support of UCU, but to stop short of advocating that students take part in the boycott. If you encounter any problems with this approach, contact us.

Our big push to bring the spotlight on the university's casually-employed workforce got significant attention in the run up to Christmas, with local MPs offering their support. We are in the middle of a series of meetings with the university on this issue, and are hopeful we can make some progress. You can follow the status of the negotiations on the website we made for the campaign.

You will have seen our immediate response to last week's post from the Deputy Vice Chancellor on the university's finances. We wrote to Shearer West to express our displeasure with the way the university is writing about its accounts to staff. Given a recent branch motion calling for transparency on such matters, we were particularly upset at the selective reporting and, in some cases, factually incorrect information. We urge staff to look for themselves directly at the key points in the annual report, including the treasurer's statement, to verify that the picture is not as black and white as you may have been led to believe.

Members who were here in 2014-15 will remember the outrage at the downgrading of the USS pension scheme in response to the last statutory valuation. This March it will all happen again and, despite excellent growth in the fund's assets, the methodology which crippled the fund last time points to an even bigger, looming deficit. There are signs, however, that the actuarial profession is waking up to the fact that the modelling seems inadequate, and we hope that USS, the biggest funded defined-benefit scheme in the country, might be bold enough to break with tradition. This university has agreed to form a working group to look closely at the matter; if you have relevant expertise and would like to help, please get in touch.

Finally, you will soon receive a ballot to vote in the election of UCU's new General Secretary for the next 5 years. The University of Liverpool's Jo McNeill will be running against Sally Hunt, who has held the position for the past decade. The Sheffield UCU Committee strongly recommends you use your vote, and endorses Jo McNeill's candidacy. We have invited both Sally and Jo to appear at a hustings in February (Tuesday 21, tbc). We will keep you informed.

Sheffield UCU Committee

USS Action Group, 1 February

We want to raise awareness of the USS pension fund and brainstorm what we can do, locally and nationally, to make headway on this important issue. No knowledge of pensions necessary! Please do come and help if you can.

  • Action Group, Wed 1 February, 13:00-14:00, Bartolome House Room DLG06

Local/National Events

  • Education Conference With Angela Rayner MP and Russell Hobby, Sat 4 Feb, 10:00-16:00, Matlock (details)
  • ❤UNIONS Week, 8-14 Feb, nationwide (details)
  • "It’s Our NHS" march, London, Sat 4 March (details)
  • Matewan film screening, Wed 22 March, with Sheffield Hallam UCU (details to follow)

Dates for the Diary

  • Wed 1 February, 13:00-14:00, Action Group (USS special), Bartolome House Room DLG06
  • Thu 2 March, 13:00-14:00, Departmental Contacts Meeting, Chancellors Room, Firth Court
  • Wed 8 March, 13:00-14:00, General Meeting, Council Room, Firth Court

Interesting reading

National NSS boycott: joint statement

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Sheffield UCU and NUS joint statement

Sheffield University Students' Union and Sheffield University and College Union believe that students should boycott the National Student Survey (NSS). The NSS will become a key element of the proposed Teaching Excellence Framework according to which teaching will be evaluated according to a set of centrally imposed metrics that threaten to reduce education to narrowly conceived vocational training. The TEF will not only have a negative effect for students and staff, but also contribute to the increasing marketisation of Higher Education. The NSS and TEF also lead universities to provide courses based on fluctuations in fashion and the job market rather than as a result of their intrinsic educational value and resources built up over decades. As a result experienced, professional staff are replaced by precarious teachers on zero-hours or temporary contracts. Boycotting the NSS provides us with a real opportunity to ensure that the TEF cannot be implemented as it makes one of the datasets unusable. Together, Sheffield Students’ Union and Sheffield University and College Union believe that Sheffield is better than this. #ShefBetterThanTEF