Branch updates

News in brief from SUCU Committee.

SUCU Branch News 18 June 2015

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Pay offer: consultative ballot now open

Members should by now have received an email with a link to the consultative ballot on the final pay offer for 2015-16 of 1% from university employers. If you’ve not yet received a ballot email contact HE sector conference debated the final offer and resolved that UCU should call for members to REJECT the offer, and to vote YES for strike action and YES to action short of a strike in furtherance of the dispute.  Further information on the HE pay negotiations can be found here

Member surgery 24 June

There are some appointment slots available at our surgery on the 24 June, 10.30 to 12.30 for individual members seeking advice about an employment issue   Volunteer UCU colleagues from within the Branch who have received casework training will be offering confidential help and advice.  If you would like to book an individual appointment please email  Please note that members are not normally eligible for help in the first three months of membership.  Read more about SUCU assistance here.

End austerity now!  People’s Assembly demo in London, 20 June

Its anticipated that thousands of people will be joining the protests against austerity at People’s  Assembly demonstration in London on 20 June.  UCU members are encouraged to make plans to attend.  Transport arrangements including coaches from Sheffield.

Maternity rights and shared parental leave

Members may be interested in 2 new briefings produced by UCU.

Sheffield Palestine Education Network 22nd June, 5pm

Guest speaker Steve Kinneavy will be talking, with photographs, about his recent house-rebuilding trip to Palestine.  Venue: Room 221 of the Owen Building, Sheffield Hallam City Campus, 5-7pm.

SUCU Branch News 11 June 2015

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Key points from SUCU AGM

Our AGM yesterday heard a review of the year and updates from Branch Officers including local negotiations and the recent UCU Congress.  Two motions were discussed and carried - about the arms trade, and concerns about the use of capability processes. Minutes of the meeting and the SUCU annual report will be circulated soon.

Pay offer - UCU consultative ballot now open - closes  25 June

HE sector conference agreed to consult members on the employer’s 1% pay offer and to recommend rejection.  We will bring you more information next week but in the mean time see details of the offer and the trade union claim in the following links: How to vote:  Members will receive a separate email with instructions on how to vote.

UCU pamphlet in support of immigration

UCU has produced an excellent booklet in collaboration with the Centre for Labour Studies, 'Why Immigration is good for all of us'. This was showcased at Congress.  

Membership audit - please help by checking your details

An audit of all UCU members at the University of Sheffield is now completed.  It's been carried out to enable the union to ballot members within the existing law.  Please check your details online and if necessary make amendments by registering first using your membership number (contact if you don't know this).

SUCU Branch News 4 June 2015

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SUCU AGM next Wednesday 10 June 1pm

Business will include election of next year's Branch Committee, two motions for debate, and an update from National Congress. The two motions concern - the arms trade (read background information ahead of the discussion here), and concerns about how the University's capability procedures are being used.  All members are encouraged to attend our AGM which will be held in the Council Chamber of the Octagon Centre. A sandwich lunch will be served at 12.45 and the SUCU Annual Report will be available on the day.  Please print out and display this poster and ask UCU colleagues to come along.

Rotherham Advertiser Victimisation 

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) chapel (branch) at the Rotherham Advertiser have agreed to take strike action on Thursday 11 June. The 24-hour walkout is in response to the decision by the new chief executive, Nick Alexander, to target the NUJ's Father of Chapel (FoC, shop steward) for compulsory redundancy. FoC Phil Turner is the only person who has been dismissed among editorial staff and was told on Wednesday 27 May. The union is appealing this decision and demanding the company withdraw the threat of redundancy immediately.   Read more... The NUJ is asking supporters to send respectful messages of protest to Rotherham Advertiser chief executive Nick Alexander  Please copy in and send messages of support and solidarity to and   You may wish to use messages sent from SUCU Committee as a template.  There will also be a solidarity demo and rally in support of our trade union colleague. This will take place at 12 noon in All Saints Square, in the centre of Rotherham on Saturday 6th June at 12 noon.

UCU National Congress 2015 update 

UCU’s annual decision making conference took place in Glasgow over the bank holiday weekend and you can find all the motions debated and voted on here. Conference voted to recommend rejection of the 1% pay offer and members will be balloted in time.  SUCU delegates to Congress will give a full report back to members at the AGM next Wednesday 10 June.

Successful local action at Warwick against casualisation

Congratulations to colleagues and students at Warwick whose campaign has resulted in University management disbanding TeachHigher - a recruitment service that would have been contracted to supply hourly paid academic staff, so that staff would not be employed by academic departments. An Assembly will now be held on June 19th, 12.00, University of Warwick instead of the planned demo to discuss how best to move forward with the national campaign against casualization in HE.  Read more..

End austerity now!: People’s Assembly demonstrations in London, 20 June

Its anticipated that thousands of people will be joining the protests against austerity at People’s Assembly demonstration in London on 20 June.  UCU members are encouraged to make plans to attend and help build this important event. Transport arrangements including coaches from Sheffield.    

SUCU Branch News 21 May 2015

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SUCU Annual General Meeting 10 June 1pm, Council Chamber

If you want to hear about the work of SUCU Committee and influence the direction your union takes please come along to our AGM.  Business will include election of next year's Branch Committee, two motions for debate, and an update from National Congress.  Read the full agenda.  All members are encouraged to attend our AGM which will be held in the Council Chamber of the Octagon Centre.  A sandwich lunch will be served at 12.45 and the SUCU Annual Report will be available on the day.

UCU National Congress 23-25 May

This weekend two SUCU delegates will be attending UCU's national conference in Glasgow.  Important decisions will be made by delegates on for example pay negotiations, and there will be a report back at the AGM on 10 June. Read more... 

Support local Green co workers

This is a very important struggle for GMB members at Sheffield's recycling centres.  They are fighting an ongoing battle over issues including: bullying, pay, poor welfare facilities, increased use of zero hours contracts, ending payment of the living wage and threatened disciplinary action for the entire work-force for expressing an intention to take legitimate and lawful strike action.  Read more...

National Demonstration Against Casualisation and TeachHigher on June 19th, 12.00, University of Warwick

Warwick University staff and students call on their colleagues across UK Higher Education to support them in resisting TeachHigher. TeachHigher is a scheme whereby hourly paid academic staff will no longer be recruited and employed by academic departments but contracted via this new ‘internal academic recruitment and administration service’. TeachHigher is being piloted at Warwick but intends to franchise out at universities across the UK.  Read more...

End Austerity Now National demo 20 June, London

The Peoples Assembly have organised a major national event.  See more information including travel arrangements.

SUCU Branch News 14 May 2015

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Latest national pay offer

The final meeting of this year’s New JNCHES national negotiating round took place on 12 May. UCEA made a full and final offer which includes a pay rise of 1% for the vast majority of staff. UCU HE conference will consider this offer in two weeks time and decide whether it is acceptable or whether to campaign for an improved offer including via industrial action. SUCU are sending two delegates. If you have views on the offer please let us know.

Successful appeal in major fixed-term contracts case

Members may have seen the outcome of the successful appeal in UCU v University of Stirling.  The court found that the university had been wrong not to include fixed-term staff in a redundancy consultation and backed UCU's view that employers should have had to consult with the union where 20 or more fixed term contracts were coming to an end. This outcome has wide ranging implications including the opportunity of re-opening previous legal cases. If this is an issue that has affected you in the past, whether at Sheffield or elsewhere, please get in touch at

Come to the open SUCU Committee meeting 3 June 1 pm

Ever wondered what its like being a member of SUCU Committee?  Come along to a regular meeting to find out more.  We have moved our usual meeting venue on 3 June to Meeting Room 1, Octagon so there is room for members wishing to attend.

Sheffield Protest Against Austerity this Saturday

Members concerned about attacks on education and our students may wish to join this demonstration in Sheffield starting at 12pm on Devonshire Green.  Over 1200 are down as going on the Facebook event.