SUCU Branch News 29 Jan 2015
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Update following Branch Meeting on Wednesday
Members turned out in good numbers yesterday despite the terrible weather and heard:- A briefing following the UCU consultative ballot on USS. Representatives from this Branch also attended a special USS meeting for UCU Branches in Manchester yesterday. A full update on USS will be circulated in Branch News next week.
- The need for continued local strength in negotiations was re-emphasised, as members heard from Branch Officers about University management's plans to link your incremental pay progression with performance. This represents a threat to the 'Framework Agreement' underpinning our current pay structure. Negotiations are ongoing but the campus unions may be reaching a point of deadlock on this issue and we will of course keep you informed. Read more in this joint union paper - Performance Related Pay. A Flawed Vision
- Brandon Wilshaw from Sheffield College spoke of the attacks his members are facing to their terms and conditions and threats of redundancy. Industrial action starts today with an all out strike at Sheffield College. Send messages of support and solidarity to