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Protect the Right to Strike: join the campaign

Getting a pay rise or defending terms and conditions will become far harder for working people under the government’s anti-union bill.   It threatens the basic right to strike. Even when ballots meet the government’s new thresholds, employers will soon be able to break strikes by bringing in agency workers.

Together we can make the government rethink their plans.

quick video from the TUC explaining why we must defeat this Bill.  More…
Here’s how we can all help:
  • TUC demo at the Tory Party Conference, Sun 4 Oct, Manchester. Transport from Sheffield available. More information…
  • Sign up to join the TUC campaign.
  • TUC lobby and rally 2 November, London.  Join the TUC and union members from all over the country coming together to lobby and rally against the trade union bill on Monday 2 November in London. More information to come soon.
Open letter to the Guardian from academics – Trade union bill not backed by evidence.  You may be interested in this open letter to the Guardian from a number of academics.

Short-term contracts and their impact on research

Are you or have you ever been a researcher in higher education?

UCU has launched a new survey to gather evidence on the impact of short-term funding on the production of research. If you are or have ever been a researcher, please help us by filling in this survey. The survey is open to all involved in research, so when you’ve completed it, make sure to pass it on to other researchers, along with this link to join UCU, the union fighting for better research careers.

UCU Congress 2015 Report

UCU Congress prepares the ground for a fight to defend Post 16 Education

This year’s UCU congress prepared the ground to put the union at the forefront of the campaign to defend Post 16 Education. Despite the conference being cut short by a day, due to the RMT proposed strike, delegates passed a raft of motions that provided a frame to launch a real campaign to mobilise members in defence of Further, Adult and Higher Education involving demonstrations, lobbies, strikes and conferences.

Defending Post 16 Education

Despite the sobering fact of another five years of continuing Government attacks on both sectors there was a real determination at congress this year to mobilise members in the universities and colleges. A motion calling upon UCU to organise a national demonstration in defence of post 16 Education was passed unanimously. In the Further and Higher Education Sector conferences a motion was passed to support ‘Saving Lifelong learning’  and Defend the Public University conferences as part of this campaign.

Delegates were enthusiastic about building the lobby of Parliament on the 16th June to stop the 24% cut in the Adult Education budget. Sally Hunt, General Secretary, made clear the whole union was behind this campaign. She told congress that the union would fund coaches to take people to the lobby and urged branches to fill them. A motion was passed in support of the People’s Assembly demonstration on the 20th June and delegates encouraged branches to be a part of the UCU Save Lifelong Learning contingent on the demonstration.

Motion: Education from cradle to grave and call for a national demonstration in defence of post-16 education

Coordinating action to save every job and every student place

Across the country branches and associations are facing a wave of S188 redundancy notices.  Delegates told Congress and sector conferences of plans to attempt to coordinate strike action. In London 12 FE Education branches and London Metropolitan University either have or are about to start balloting their members for strikes and the first day of coordination in the capital will be on 23rd June.

There is also a second day of nationally coordinated strike on the 30th June which could see branches from Wales and Yorkshire and Humberside Region join the day.

Coordinate to defend jobs and courses


Both sector conferences voted to ballot members over this year’s pay claims if the employers fail to meet UCU’s demands. In Further Education a campaign to win £1 extra per hour was launched and a national ballot will take place as soon as possible on the 2015/16 claim. In HE delegates voted to recommend to reject a 1% pay offer and to ballot members for strike action to pursue their claim.

Motion for a FE pay ballot

Motion for a HE pay ballot


The anti-casualisation campaign had a high profile at conference and a number of important motions were passed calling on UCU to organise a joint lobby of Parliament. Congress supported a motion in support of the national demonstration at Warwick on June 19th against casualisation and Teach Higher.

No2TeachHigher model motion and demonstration details

Motion carried for a Joint lobby of Parliament on casualisation

Political representation conference

Congress debated a motion that called upon UCU to organise a conference to start a discussion about political representation. A brief but interesting debate was had where the mover of the motion argued that what the general election showed was that all mainstream parties have lost the ability to address the concerns of working people.  The mover continued to argue that the SNP’s landslide victory in Scotland, Syriza’s success in Greece and the rise of Podemos in Spain show that new political formations espousing a clear anti -austerity case are starting to develop. The motion was passed by a margin of 2:1.

Motion calling for a conference on working class representation

International: Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions

Congress discussed a Boycott Divestment and Sanctions motion in solidarity with Palestine. The General Secretary read out legal advice stating that according to union solicitors, if the motion were passed it could not be implemented. The chair informed the Congress that the motion would be null and void. Despite this the motion was discussed and passed by an overwhelming majority placing UCU at the forefront of the campaign to support the Palestinian people.  Motion on UCU and BDS campaign.

Congress passed a motion condemning the cancellation of the Southampton conference as an attack on academic freedom.


Motions were passed overwhelmingly to ensure UCU has clear policy to challenge the anti-immigrant hysteria during the election. In particular to promote and use the excellent UCU/CLASS pamphlet, Why Immigration Benefits us all that exposes the myths and lies that surround immigration.  The motion called upon UCU to produce a multiculturalism teaching resource pack.

Motion: Resisting the politics of austerity, hate and injustice

Boycott Prevent

One of the more contentious issues at Congress was about how to oppose the Government’s Prevent strategy. Motions called for a boycott of Prevent. Delegates spoke passionately in support of the motion arguing that they did not want to act as Government spies and lose the trust of their students. As one speaker put it, ‘Every time you hear the call to uphold British Values, you know it is a call for racism and xenophobia’.  The General Secretary gave legal advice from UCU lawyers, of the difficulty and complexity of organising a dispute on the issue. However, it was agreed following overwhelming support for the position that the Recruitment Organising and Campaigns Committee would oversee a way to implement the demands of the motion.

See link to footage of UCU General Secretary Sally Hunt talking about the Prevent agenda on Channel 4. 

Prevent motions


Delegates brought motions to Congress expressing the frustration and anger of black members at the widespread institutional racism they face in the sector. Motions were passed calling on the union to train and develop more BME reps and ensure proper representation at all levels within the union.

End racism and marginalisation of black members


The announcement, by the chair of UCU’s equality committee, that the Irish people had voted in their referendum to make legal gay and lesbian marriage sent a wave of excitement and joy around the congress room.



There were many motions brought to conference and passed unanimously in defence of union activists who have been victimised as a result of resisting cuts. Congress heard of a growing list of victimisations including the sacking of union reps; the Markey’s at Bolton University, at Salford University; the sacking of Michael Starrs from the College of North West London and the victimisation of Sean Vernell at City and Islington.  Congress delegates argued that we need a rapid response to these victimisations and the union must throw all its weight behind all anti-victimisation campaigns to ensure that branches provide maximum practical solidarity.

BBC news report: University of Salford staff strike over sackings

Hands off London Met

Motion on trade union victimisation

Austerity and the curriculum

Motions were passed that challenged ‘austerity of the mind’ and how UCU can respond to the ideological attacks on the curriculum, such as a symposium to bring together English and Maths teachers to discuss the curriculum.

Austerity and the curriculum: English and maths

All Congress and conference motions

There were many important debates on issues of equality, especially Disabled members and performance management  issues. TUOS were congratulated on the webpages on Disability leave policy.

Debates on the REF, lesson observations, workloads, Prison, ACE and many more. Click here to see all motions that were passed at Congress and Sector conferences.

Some key motions passed on support for Academic related/professional service staff and recognising their role within UCU. This was a key issue if the union is to remain inclusive and represent all members. UCU is also raising its game on the professional development front, its course are attracting a great deal of interest, especially from under- represented groups such as our black members.

Key dates and events post Congress

June 3rd Defend Post 16 education rally at Hackney College, London.

June 16th Lobby of Parliament to defend adult education. Contact UCU to book coaches now.

June 19th National demonstration against TeachHigher and casualisation. Warwick.

June 20th National People’s Assembly demonstration to ‘End Austerity’. London.

June 23rd / 30th coordinated action to defend jobs threatened as a result of the 25% cut to adult education.

Jane Simm and Sam Moorcroft, SUCU committee

With acknowledgement to UCU left for permission to adapt this report

Rotherham Advertiser withdraws redundancy threat

We have now heard that the Rotherham Advertiser has withdrawn the threat of redundancy against long-serving union rep Phil Turner.  The move comes after an appeal hearing against the redundancy decision which was held on Tuesday. National Union of Journalists members at the weekly title have voted to hold a 24-hour strike today in protest against the proposed sacking which has now been called off.  Read more….

Rotherham Advertiser Victimisation

The National Union of Journalists (NUJ) chapel (branch) at the Rotherham Advertiser have agreed to take strike action on Thursday 11 June. The 24-hour walkout is in response to the decision by the new chief executive, Nick Alexander, to target the NUJ’s Father of Chapel (FoC, shop steward) for compulsory redundancy. FoC Phil Turner has worked for the company for more than 30 years and is a long-serving trade union representative.  Phil is the only person who has been dismissed among editorial staff and was told on Wednesday 27 May. The union is appealing this decision and demanding the company withdraw the threat of redundancy immediately.

Protection from bullying management is fundamental to journalistic freedom.

Chris Morley, NUJ Northern and Midlands organiser, said: “There is still time for the company to think again and I hope very much they do so that a sensible outcome can be arrived at. The NUJ is ready and willing to talk but it cannot be with this dismissal notice hanging over the FoC’s head.”

The NUJ is asking supporters to send respectful messages of protest to Rotherham Advertiser chief executive Nick Alexander nick.alexander@garnett-dickinson.co.uk.  Please copy in and send messages of support and solidarity to syorksnuj@hotmail.co.uk and campaigns@nuj.org.uk.   You may wish to use messages sent from SUCU Committee as a template.