SUCU Branch News 11th December 2014
Up to 10% bonuses for University Executive Board members
Just in case you are thinking of applying for the Deputy VC or PVCLT jobs you may notice that your ‘highly competitive’ pay would come with a bonus scheme which applies now to all UEB members. They get a bonus of up to 10% of salary “upon delivery of agreed objectives”. This is a very worrying development. What does it say about someone’s commitment to the institution and their work if they really need a bonus to put effort in? If they don’t need it why have it? And any bonus scheme distorts the work as only a limited set of objectives can be set, and these must be measurable ones. There is ample evidence that bonus schemes create dysfunctional organisations – why on earth is the University leadership on one?
Student occupation of INOX Dine
SUCU Committee members would like to send a message of solidarity to all involved in the recent student occupation which was protesting against privatisation, for the Living Wage, and against tuition fees.
University of Sheffield statement about USS
Our lobby of Senate yesterday was called off in response to the statement from University management on USS. We welcome the decision to at least have some criticism of some elements of the USS approach, which seems to be in response to our pressure and proposed lobby and support from the Students Union. But the criticism is very late and extremely muted – the fundamentals are unchallenged.
We remain concerned as expressed on our website: The University’s commitment to decent pensions for staff must be in question when they have:
We remain concerned as expressed on our website: The University’s commitment to decent pensions for staff must be in question when they have:
- slashed the pensions of grade 1-5 staff and closed their final salary scheme, and
- the VC has bought out of USS two years ago (with a 17% rise on top of his 26% pay rise, as previously reported)
UCU Survey – fairness, accessibility and transparency of the higher education application and admission process
This is a reminder that all UCU members are invited to complete this UCU survey exploring the fairness, accessibility and transparency of the higher education application and admission process and how this works for your students.