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UCU: helping you in your career

UCU believes that effective Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is an essential part of post-school education and benefits both staff and students in the sector. Therefore we are pleased to offer a range of personal and professional development resources that will provide practical help throughout the course of your career.

Bringing together material from a variety of education specialists, including experienced FE and HE practitioners, as well as contributions from UCU members working in the field, we aim to help you develop excellence and confidence in teaching, learning and professional practice.

You will find advice and information to develop your skills through our CPD courses, and free downloadable guides.

In a fast changing sector we aim to bring you the most up-to-date information and support possible and will be regularly updating and adding to what is available, so please watch this space.

HE Special Sector Conference – USS motions to be debated

We as a Branch are fully engaged with this special sector conference which has now been called for 24 Feb.  3 delegates are being sent to represent branch views and vote on the proposed motions below.  We believe that motions 2 to 5 are in broad agreement with the sentiment expressed in branch meetings.

Motion 1: Restarting the USS dispute (USS branches)

Conference notes the e-ballot result with a majority to accept the USS offer.

Conference believes:

  • The proposals from USS did not represent an improvement on the original changes to pensions.
  • The accompanying statement to the e-ballot on USS changes was highly misleading and mis-represented the alternative to  accepting the proposals on pensions by failing to set out a credible strategy for industrial action.

Conference instructs HEC to declare a dispute over USS and ballot members for industrial action with

  1. A recommendation for a yes vote
  2. A sufficiently long ballot period
  3. Materials explaining that it is still possible to win significant improvements to pensions and setting out a credible strategy for doing this.

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Motion 2: Challenging the deficit (USS branches)

Conference notes the USS ‘deficit’ has been created by a particular interpretation of the value of the assets of the pension scheme and the returns on those assets. This methodology, known as ‘gilts plus’ artificially created a deficit. The consequence of this deficit is then compounded by the belief that the USS pension scheme is not a multi-employer scheme and the de-risking strategy of a movement of assets into government bonds.

Conference believes this methodological approach will create the conditions for a further deficit and further attacks on our pensions in USS and also in the Teachers’ Pension schemes.

Conference rejects the ‘gilt plus’ methodology used by USS and believes pensions are affordable and agrees to launch a campaign to defend all pensions in HE.

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Motion 3: Insisting on a combined “ASOS+strike” industrial strategy 

Conference recognises that members do not have confidence in the industrial action strategy pursued by the national union because the majority of the HEC has failed to provide a means by which ASOS would be combined with national strike action.

Conference also recognises that the failure to challenge institution’s decisions to impose punitive pay-docking with national strike action has undermined a belief in ASOS amongst members.

Conference reaffirms the strategy adopted by UCU Congress linking ASOS with escalating strike action rather than counterposing one to the other.

Conference commits to develop a timetable for industrial action which, combined with a mapping of institutions own key timetable, ensures our industrial action is undertaken at a time when it will have the greatest impact.

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Motion 4: Conduct of negotiators and HEC (USS branches)

Conference believes the UCU negotiators failed to follow a democratically determined strategy for negotiations on pensions. UCU has never accepted a defined contribution pension scheme and its secret negotiation was outwith the remit of the negotiators. Conference therefore no longer has confidence in our negotiators and calls on them to resign.

Conference further has no confidence in the HEC, which supported this failure in union democracy.

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Motion 5: Union democracy 

Conference reaffirms its belief in UCU as a member-led union. Central to this view is a commitment to democratic decision-making, accountability and transparency.

Conference believes that any suggestion of undemocratic processes undermines and damages the union’s credibility with its members.

Conference instructs the chair of HEC to provide information on request about the numbers and names of branches that have submitted quorate motions calling for a special sector conference to the secretaries of HE branches and members of HEC.

Conference recognises the value of regular member-involvement in the conduct of dispute.  Conference instructs HEC to organise regular delegate-based decision-making meetings (special sector conferences) during any national HE dispute to debate the strategy and tactics of that dispute.

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UCU supports National Voter Registration Day

Today is National Voter Registration Day and UCU along with our partners at the National Union of Students (NUS) and the Bite the Ballot campaign are holding events and activities on campuses to encourage our colleagues and students to register to vote. 

Can you help for an hour or two tomorrow in Sheffield?

Sheffield TUC are intending to hand out leaflets outside the Town Hall from 1130hrs till about 1.30pm.

Sheffield Peoples Assembly are holding a stall at Sheffield University – meet at the underpass near the Octagon Centre at 1130 till about 1.30 pm

You may be aware that declining voter turnout is likely to worsen under the new system of individual registration and that this is particularly likely to affect students and younger workers (currently 30% of 18-24 year olds are not even registered).

Please help us reach the campaign target of adding 250,000 young people to the electoral register by:

1. Distributing our joint NUS/UCU leaflets and posters to your colleagues and students
2. Circulating this link to the online voter registration page
3. Tweet using #NVRD and #GenerationVote and add this to your email footer

With the general election just months away there is a real danger that thousands of our students and colleagues will not be registered to vote so please support National Voter Registration Day and the campaign between now and the registration deadline 20 April 2015.

Defend Academic Freedom against counter-terrorism Bill duties

As you may know UCU is campaigning against proposals in the government’s Counter-terrorism and Security Bill which we believe pose a threat to academic freedom and risk undermining the trust between teacher and student in colleges and universities.

On the eve of a crucial debate in the Lords, our legal advice, as reported in today’s Independent, suggests the proposals are also in conflict with existing law, including the Education Act 1986 which places a duty on education institutions to protect free speech.

Please sign this UCU petition calling on the government to withdraw this ill-conceived bill and work with us to retain colleges and universities as open democratic spaces.